In the annals of maritime history, the tale of Ferretti unfurls in 1968, when brothers Alessandro and Norberto Ferretti embarked on a journey in Forlì, Italy. Their vision was clear: to craft small composite boats marked by exceptional craftsmanship and a meticulous eye for detail, fueled by their profound passion for the sea.With the passage of time, Ferretti's renown for constructing vessels of enduring quality burgeoned, propelling them into the creation of larger and more opulent yachts. The 1980s marked a pivotal juncture as Ferretti introduced its inaugural motor yacht, etching a momentous chapter in the company's annals. This moment laid the foundation for Ferretti's ascent to eminence in the luxury yacht arena.The years witnessed Ferretti Group's strategic expansion, encompassing the acquisition and integration of prestigious marques such as Riva, Pershing, Itama, and CRN. This strategic growth solidified their status as a global luminary in the luxury yacht domain, offering a diverse spectrum of yachts that catered to a myriad of tastes and lifestyles.In contemporary times, Ferretti Yachts basks in acclaim for its peerless craftsmanship, timeless design, and matchless prowess on the high seas.