evo yachts for sale

Keep evolving continuously : Crafted from evolution

Since we introduced the expandable yacht, we’ve been dedicated to innovation. We regularly review and adjust each project, understanding that every tiny detail matters to stay true to our goal: always exceeding innovation. EVO Yachts for sale represents a versatile design idea, where every area can become a personalized feature. We strongly value the uniqueness of each yacht, reflecting its owner’s personality.

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Genesis of EVO Yachts

EVO Yachts for sale started in 2014 when Blu Emme Yachts met Valerio Rivellini, a yacht designer from Naples. Both wanted to find the perfect balance of style and usefulness. It was unexpected.

1. The Birth of EVO

EVO Yachts for sale started within Blu Emme Yachts, a luxury yacht refitting company. It was founded by the Mercuri brothers, a family with experience in different industries.

2. Seaside Passion

We make yachts that really understand the sea. Our designs are carefully made to fit perfectly into a day at sea. Enjoy a better time on the water with smart designs that know what you need.

3. Rich Heritage in Shipbuilding

Located close to Naples, our shipyard has a deep link to the city’s rich shipbuilding history. Our talented craftsmen and hardworking team are dedicated to bringing our designs to life with accuracy while also honoring the longstanding Neapolitan tradition shipbuilding.

4. A Fusion of Style and Ingenuity

In a short time, EVO Yachts for sale has mixed style and innovation well, becoming one of the most anticipated brands at boat shows. They skillfully combine boat engineering with smart design.