101 Hull construction
The hull will be built in Glass Reinforced Plastic (GRP). The mechanical and chemical properties of the laminates will be verified in accordance with CE Rules and/or Classification Society’s procedures (if appointed). The hull will be monohedral type and will be provided with an efficient system of longitudinal framing on the bottom and on the sides in conjunction with girders, bulkheads and web frames to provide transverse rigidity. Hull bottom will be single skin type and sides in sandwich type. Special consideration will be paid to local reinforcements such as fore sections, machinery foundations, shaft brackets and internal casings in accommodation areas, bow thrusters tunnel, rudders, etc. Vinyl ester resin will be used for the first coats of the laid-up lamination coats on the entire hull.
102 Decks and superstructure
Decks, side of hull and superstructure will be built with a cored sandwich structure, by means of closed cell foam. Structure will be basically transversal.
103 Structural bulkheads
The hull will be divided in 3 watertight compartments by means of 2 watertight bulkheads. The structural bulkheads will be built in GRP according to the Classification’s rules. The compartmenting bulkheads will be made of sandwich (plywood core or pvc core).
104 Double bottom tanks
Structural tanks will be provided for fuel oil, fresh water, grey and black water according to capacity plan.
105 Engine foundations
The engine foundation will be made by high-density PU cored longitudinal girders over which a metallic foundation will be inserted. These girders will continue fore and aft of the engine’s foundations, thus becoming an integral part of the bottom girder structure.
106 Garage door
The vessel will be equipped with a transom door hinged at the top and hydraulically operated.
107 Forepeak
A chain locker of suitable volume to contain the anchor chains as required by the CE Rules or Classification Society will be provided forward of the watertight collision bulkhead. Hawse pipes will be in stainless steel AISI 316L with half round ends in anchor pockets and at deck level. Anchor chain washer will be provided.
108 Hull rubstrakes
GRP rubstrakes will be provided as indicated on the exterior profile to protect the main deck window
109 Mast
A GRP roll bar shaped mast will be installed as shown on the exterior profile. This structure will support antennas and radomes required by the navigation and communication equipment described hereunder and will support a mast for anchor lights and other antennas.
201 Teak
decks Main deck and fly bridge will be planked with natural teak, of 12 mm finished thickness, traditionally laid with king planks and margin boards. Teak planks will be glued on the decks. Seams will be 5mm wide and filled with black rubber compound.
202 Outside
handrails Bulwark on main deck will be built in GRP and on fly bridge as well. Dimension and design as per Builder’s standard, Handrails will be built in stainless-steel.
203 Windlasses
Two stainless steel electric 400 V windlasses Maxwell or Italwinch or similar, double speed, including a gypsy for 14mm anchor chain, vertical shaft operating through a wandering lead.
204 Anchor and chains
Two galvanized steel SHHP Anchor Posidonia or similar 135Kg. 200 m of 14mm galvanized stud-link chain will be supplied for each anchor according to the CE Rules or Classification society requirements.
205 Capstans
Two stainless steel electric 400 V capstans Maxwell or Italwinch or similar double speed. A control panel fitted on the bulwark next to the capstans, and a rubber coated switch located on the deck will be supplied.
206 Mooring
bollards and fairleads 6 mooring bollards total: 2 aft, 2 at bow, and 2 amidships; 8 fairleads: 2 aft, 4 at the bow, 2 amidships.
207 Mooring lines
160 metres of polyester and polyamide mooring line, 30 mm diameter 100 metres of polyester and polyamide towing line, 30 mm diameter
208 Portlights
Non-easy opening type stainless steel portlights and fixed windows wiil be provided, according to exterior profile, in AISI 316, with tempered glasses and removable deadlights.
209 Bulwark doors
Two gates will be fitted on main deck aft to have access to the gangway and stern platform. They will built with stainless steel bars and glass with stainless steel hinges, closing dogs and means of securing in open position.
210 Exterior doors.
The following exterior doors will be supplied and installed: One automatic sliding door in tempered glass and s/s frame from aft deck to saloon Two automatic lateral sliding doors in tempered glass and s/s frame in the main deck saloon Two automatic lateral sliding doors in tempered glass and s/s frame in the upper deck saloon One automatic sliding door in tempered glass and s/s frame from aft upper deck to upper saloon One upper hinge wing automatic door from wheelhouse to bow deck One manual door from aft deck to engine room One manual door as emergency exit from engine room The position is shown on the General Arrangement. Dimension and design will be as per Builder’s standard. All doors will be secured in open position. Doors will be built by Nautilus, Opac, Besenzoni or equivalent, approved by the CE rules or the Classification Society.
211 Windshield
on wheelhouse bridge A windshield with tempered glass screen will be installed on the forward part of the wheelhouse bridge.
212 Tender garage
One tender garage will be built in the stern of the vessel, with a large hatch hinged on the upper side; a system of launching and recovering the tender will be installed; Maker: Pincraft or Besenzoni or equivalent.
213 Stern gangway
One telescopic hydraulic gangway (5m extension), with remote control, will be installed on the main deck aft. Maker: Pincraft, Besenzoni or Sanguineti or similar A doorbell will be fitted aft of the entry on the gangway.
214 Ship’s names
The name of the yacht (back lightened) will be fitted on the transom as per Builder’s standard. Port of registry will be fitted on transom as well.
215 Windows
Size and position of the windows will be as per General Arrangement and Profile. Glass thickness will be as required by the CE rules or Classification Society. All windows will be fixed and not easy openable.
216 Windows wipers and defrosting
Windows wipers will be fitted on the front wheelhouse windows. Freshwater washing will be provided for each wiper.
217 Horn
A pneumatic horn made by Marco or equivalent will be installed.
218 Search light
Two remote controlled search lights Sunshin or equivalent will be installed.
219 Flagpoles
A flagpole on transom and a jack staff on bow will be fitted. They will be built in painted aluminium or polished stainless steel as per Builder’s standard.
220 Covers
Covers in Dacron will be supplied for: fly bridge console, wheelhouse windows, outdoor furniture, sun bathing pads. Tender and water toys covers (if any) will be Owner supply.
221 Fenders
The following fenders will be supplied: 10 cylindrical fenders Polyform F6, 4 balloon fenders Polyform A5
222 Fender holders
6 fender holders in stainless steel with cleat will be supplied. A rail on each side of the wide body area will be installed for cleaning operations.
223 Fire extinguishers
Portable fire extinguishers and fire hoses with nozzles will be provided as required by the CE rules or Classification Society.
224 Rescue and safety equipment
Full set of rescue and safety equipment will be supplied as required by CE rules or classification Society.
301 General
The following design features will be adopted to control noise and vibration levels:
• Installation of the main mechanical equipment on resilient mounts
• Main engines and reduction gears will be elastically mounted on extra rigid foundations • All main pipes will be secured using rubber lined brackets.
• The generators will be elastically mounted and enclosed in sound shields made by the generator’s supplier.
• floor of the guest cabins will be supported on elastic frames (floating floors) and covered on the lower part with noise insulation materials.
• bilge in bow thruster, engine room and rudder area will be covered with special dampers materials.
• Insulation materials will be used wherever is necessary to reduce airborne noise, such as engine room bulkheads and ceiling.
302 Engine Room
The insulation of the engine room will be carried out very carefully so that all surfaces will be covered with special damping materials. Ceiling, sides and bulkheads in engine room will be insulated with soundproofing and heat insulating materials. Exhaust pipes will be insulated with ceramic composite material and then lined with stainless steel sheets. The engine room insulation will be made with materials in accordance with the CE rule or Classification Society.
303 Accommodations
All hull sides will be coated with noise reduction paint and lined with insulation in accordance with the CE rules or Classification Society.
304 Interior
partitions Interior partitions will be made of plywood panels and light sandwich foam fiberglass panels.
305 Ceilings
upper sides of ceilings will be coated with noise reduction paint and covered with noise insulation materials
306 Floors
All floors in lower deck will be floating laid on rubber, made of sandwich foam fiberglass and an under layer will be fitted under the carpet.
401 Fuel system
The vessel will have fuel tanks with a total capacity of 13000 Liters:
• 2 Structural tanks in fibreglass, located in the double bottom underneath the guest cabins: total capacity 10000 liters.
• 2 day tanks in Light Alloy, located on port and starboard fore in the engine room: total capacity 3000 liters.
All tanks will have inspection manholes and vent pipes. Remote level gauges will be provided. The fuel inlets will be located amidships on port and starboard side, recessed in the superstructure. From these inlets the fuel will go to the main structural tank by gravity, and it will be transferred to the daily tanks by two electric pumps, or, in emergency, by a manual pump. The two electric fuel pumps, located in the engine room, will be powered respectively with 380V AC triple phase 50 Hz and 24V DC. Main engines and generators will draw their fuel from the daily tanks and the return of the excess fuel will go to the daily tanks as well. A two Separ fuel filters system for each main engine and a single Racor filter for each generator will be installed. Emergency cut-off quick closing valves with remote control outside of the engine room will be provided on the daily tank for the diesel engines supply lines. All the transfers of the fuel through the tanks will be remote controlled from the wheelhouse, an emergency manual system will be provided in the engine room. All the pipes will be in stainless steel.
Automatic boat trimming through fuel transfer (option) The boat will have an automatic trimming system through transfer of fuel from the various tanks. The system will permit to maintain a certain trim within a certain value automatically: there will be 2 ways of functioning: completely automatic (the trim is reached by a trim sensor that open and close valves and start and stop the pumps) or semiautomatic through the action of the crew on a command panel.
402 Lubricating oil system
The vessel will be outfitted with two PE UNI 3575 Light Alloy lube oil tanks, located in the engine room, with the following capacity:
• Clean lube oil tank: approx. 200 litres
• Dirty lube oil tank: approx. 120 litres High level alarm for dirty oil tank and low-level alarm for clean oil tank will be fitted. Pipes will be flexible type and/or stainless steel. A 220V AC 50Hz driven pump will be installed in engine room to allow the following operations:
• sucking of dirty oil from main engines and generators and filling of the dirty oil tank
• filling of main engines and generators with clean oil from clean oil tank
• pumping of the dirty oil from dirty oil tank to a shore connection.
403 Potable water system
Cold water system The vessel will be outfitted with one structural potable water tank in fibreglass having a total capacity of approx. 1600 litres. A remote level gauge will be fitted in the galley. The vessel will be also equipped with a shore potable water connection with a pressurereducing valve. The potable water system will include two water pressure pumps 220V AC 50Hz. Water pumps will be rubber mounted. All potable water main line pipes will be in PVC or Fusiotherm, from main line to showers, sinks etc will be in Alupex, gf or similar. The system will be equipped as option with a UV filter, on the delivery of the water pump and/or a silver ion disinfection system in the inlet of the tank. Hot water system The hot water supply system shall include two 380V AC 120 litres water heaters with pressure relief valves and one 220V AC 50Hz single phase circulating pump. All hot water system piping will be the same as cold water and adequately insulated.
404 Watermakers
The vessel will be equipped with one reverse osmosis water maker Idromar MC3J or equivalent with all necessary gauges, filters, high- and low-pressure pumps. the unit will have a production capacity of approx. 180lt/h
405 Grey and black water system
The black and grey water system will be composed by a system made of a series of small transfer tanks (Tecma or Jets) which will collect the water discharge from showers, sinks, bidet, and toilets with automatic transfer to the structural tank by means of internal pumps. As option, the black and grey water will be treated and cleaned before being discharged outboard through a Hamann or Tecnicomar (or similar) system suitable for IMO, MED or USCG regulations. A fat trap will be installed as option near the galley for the galley sink discharge. The galley sink may discharge in the tank or directly overboard through a 3-way valve. A connection with international flange with relative piping from the structural tank is provided for shore discharge. The transfer tanks have a capacity of 18 litres with electrical sensor level and a solenoid valve. The operating power is 24V. Manifolds and relative discharge will be of high-density polyethylene; manifolds’ diameter will be DN 50 whereas discharge will be DN40 or DN 32. The structural tank will be equipped with a polyethylene DN 65 air vent and will have a 2’’ Matrix type smell filter (or similar). Toilets will be Tecma type, bidet “Ideal Standard” or similar.
406 Bilge and fire system
In each bilge compartment a level sensor will be installed with monitoring on the “Bilge Alarms” panel located in wheelhouse. Each watertight compartment will have separate bilge suction through a manifold with one electric bilge pumps 380V AC three phases 50Hz and with submerged automatic bilge pumps (one in each compartment). The pump will be also used for the seawater firefighting system and for the anchor chain washing. Firefighting pipes will be made in cupro-nickel. Fire hoses and nozzles will be fitted as for CE rules or Classification Society requirements. The vessel will be also equipped with a fixed manual FM200 or similar fire extinguishing system approved by CE rules or classification society for the engine room. Portable fire extinguishers according to CE rules or Classification Society will be installed in the guest and technical areas. The fixed engine room system will have the following features
• discharge delaying device set up to 30 seconds to allow personnel evacuation (or according to flag requirements);
• automatic locking of air inlets of the ventilation system into the engine room.
• visual and audible alarms.
The vessel will be equipped as option also with a diesel emergency fire pump located outside the engine room on the main deck and with enough fuel for four hours of operation (only for Commercial use).
501 Air conditioning system
– design criteria The system of approximately 192.000 BTU will be based on the following criteria: Summer External temperature: 38° C, 85% rel. hum. Internal temperature: 23° C, 55% rel. hum. Sea water temperature (max): 32° C. Winter External temperature: 4° C. Internal temperature: 20° C, 30% rel. hum. Sea water temperature (min): 10° C.
502 Air conditioning system -
description The vessel will be equipped with a Frigomar or Condaria conditioning/heating system or equivalent. The system shall consist of a reverse cycle marine chillier, having multiple condensing units; each unit will be independent and may shall be disconnected for maintenance, they will supply independent fan coils throughout the vessel. Each fan coil shall be isolated for maintenance without inhibiting operation of the remainder of the system. A mechanical ventilation (as option for commercial rules) providing changes of internal air with external one will be supplied; one unit for guest (470 m3/h) and one independent for crew (250 m3/h). 3 exhausters (610 m3/h) extract air from the various bathrooms. The system has the following features:
• Sea water piping made by cupronickel 90/10.
• Circulation water piping in copper and fully insulated with 13mm anti condensation rubber to completely avoid any condensation.
• Each fan coil installed on a drip pan that drains into dedicated transfer tanks going to the structural grey water tank.
• System’s pumps driven by 380 AC three phases 50Hz electric motors
• The marine chillier unit will consist of multiple compressors of 48000 btu, 3.8 kw, with one self-priming sea water cooling pump and one circulating pump. Sea water heat exchanger will be in CUNI.
• Approx. twenty 220V AC single phase 50Hz fan coils with 3-way valve, individual thermostat and speed control fitted throughout the accommodation spaces according to the final layout.
• One dedicated fan coil provided for the front wheelhouse windows defrosting.
601 General description
Electrical equipment, wiring, fixtures, boards, switches, etc. will be designed, located, installed and tested according to the rules established by the CE rules or Classification Society. Electrical equipment will be selected and located to ensure adequate protection against damage from water, oil, humidity, vibration and will be arranged in such a way to facilitate access for maintenance. Monitoring system will be supplied with 15” touch screen monitor with the following features:
AC power supply
control DC power supply
control Navigation lights
Fuel tanks levels / alarms,
pumps control Potable water levels /alarms,
pumps control Black grey water levels / alarms,
pumps control Engine room blowers’ control
Hatches,doors, portholes alarms
General alarms Fire / smoke sensors alarms
Generators power supply visualization
Bilge alarms Horn,
wiper, intercom Fuel balancing system (option if installed)
Tvcc selection command
Tvcc pan tilt zoom control
Intercom control
Autopilot control
Trim tabs position visualization
Instruments lights dimmering
Air conditioning status visualization
On the winglets dedicated sub panels will be provided with the following functions
Engine controls
Steering takeover
Rudder position
Bow thruster command
Engine rpm display
Horn command
Trim tabs control
Search light command
Winch command
The electrical distribution will be as follows: Main power system and lighting 400V AC 50Hz, 3 phases, 3 wires insulated Emergency lighting system 24V DC battery system, 2 wires insulated Alarms and communication system 24V DC battery system, 2 wires insulated .
602 Supply of AC power
The AC power will be supplied by two diesel driven generator sets 50 KW each at 50Hz or through a shore power connection 400V, 3 phases, 50Hz, 63 Amp
603 Generator sets
The vessel is outfitted with two generators including water separator. Automatic parallel and seamless transfer from ship to shoreline will be supplied; Maker: Onan or Kholer , 50KW at 50Hz Number of phases: 3 RPM: 1500 Rating: Full load continuous Starting system: 24V DC
604 Electric motors and wiring
All electrical motors, when possible, shall be 400V AC 3 phases 50Hz. Other motors, as necessary, will be 220V AC single phase 50Hz. All motors will be installed on resilient mounts and with enough ventilation. All wires shall be labelled at all termination panels and equipment. Wiring through watertight bulkheads shall have efficient means of ensuring watertight integrity. AC distribution sub-panels shall be located to service designated areas of the vessel to reduce wires length and weight. Ground fault circuits shall be incorporated wherever necessary. All electrical equipment shall be labelled with engraved name plates.
605 Main switchboard
The vessel’s main switchboard will be installed in the engine room. It will be built in light alloy. The front panels will be hinged with quick release locks for easy access. Ventilation grids will be provided at each side. High voltage section will be physically separated from the 24V one
606 Lighting
Proper lighting will be provided inside and outside as hereunder indicated. All lighting will be installed as per Builder’s standard. Maker will be Cantalupi, BCM, Metalstyle, Palagi or equivalent. Exterior lights will be waterproof and installed overhead at superstructure ceilings and at foot level. Lights will be 220V AC, emergency lights 24V DC. Emergency lights will switch on automatically in case of failure of AC supply. All lighting circuits shall be protected by circuit breakers fitted in distribution panels. Light switches will be Bticino, Vimar or similar type in the accommodation areas and waterproof switches in the technical areas and outside.
607 Navigation lights
Navigation lights will be installed according to International Regulation COLREG 72 and commercial vessel rules if requested as option. An acoustic and visible alarm in case of failure of the navigation lights will be fitted in the wheelhouse alarms panel. The following lights will be installed:
• Mast head (white light)
• Port side (red light)
• Starboard side (green light)
• Stern light (white light)
• Anchor light (white light)
• NUC light (red lights)
608 Batteries
The following batteries will be supplied and installed on board:
• Batteries for about 560AH for service
• Batteries for about 420AH 24V for main engines starting power (2 separate groups)
• Batteries for about 420AH for emergency (lights, horn etc.)
• Batteries for about 120AH 24V for main generators starting power. real capacity of the batteries will be determined after final electrical balance analysis
609 Battery chargers
An alternator will be provided at each main engine and generator set to charge the relevant battery set. The following battery chargers will be supplied and installed:
• One automatic battery set charger of 24V 75Amp (for services batteries)
• Two automatic battery set charger of 24V 25Amp (for main engines start batteries)
• One automatic battery set charger of 24V 25Amp (for light and alarms emergency batteries)
610 Navigation, communication and control systems
NAVIGATION SYSTEM (Raymarine or equivalent)
Radar system
N 1 Radar , (wheelhouse) 12 Kw, 72 nm, Including an Aerial open 6’
N 1 Monitor 15”
Cartography/conning system
N. 1 Cartography system
N 2 Monitor 15” Eco sounder System
N. 1 echosounder Dual frequency transducer GPS system
N. 1 SATNAV GPS Lcd display
N. 1 Wind/log/depth system Wind sensor (without moving parts) Speed water temp sensor
N°2 digital multifunction display AUTOPILOT SYSTEM
NR. 1 autopilot
N. 1 Magnetic compass Ritchie COMMUNICATION SYSTEM
N. 1 VHF A class (wheelhouse)
N 1 System with N 2 master stations
N 3 intercom speakers (fore, stern, wheelhouse)
N 1 intercom speakers with headset for engine room
N 1 CCTV SYSTEM integrated with the monitoring system
N.1 Dome camera 320 (engine room)
N.1 Dome camera IP66 with integrated motion detector (stern)
N.1 touch screen for camera selection N 1 14 lcd tft display (crew mess)
612 Television and entertainment system
Contact to have detailed list of TV and entertainment
A domotic system will be installed in the main deck for the following functions: Curtains operations. Air conditioning control. Lights control. Crew call. The following system will be installed:
• One satellite TV (Starlink) system or equivalent
• One Naval mk20 terrestrial antenna TV
• One Naval AM/FM VPA 30
• Wi-Fi system for Lower deck and Main dec
613 Grounding system and cathode protection
A grounding system made of copper stripes throughout the hull connected with all electric motors, metallic pipes, etc will be installed. Adequate number of zinc anodes will be installed on the exterior of the hull under water line to protect all metal fittings from galvanic corrosion
701 Main engines
Two turbo charged after cooled four stroke diesel engines suitable for marine propulsion will be provided and installed on the dedicated foundations in the engine room. The main engines will be manufactured by MAN as described in chapter 003 of the present Technical Specification. Each engine shall be equipped with:
• liquid cooler
exhaust gas turbines
• after cooler
• oil heat exchanger
• fuel and oil filters
• expansion tank
• fuel feeding pump
• sea water pump
• PTO (as necessary)
• control panels
• oil pressure gauge
• cooling water temperature gauge
702 Reduction gear box
A flange mounting reduction gear box for each engine will be installed. Maker and model is: • ZF 3055V Reduction gear boxes ensure outward ship rotation of the propellers
703 Shaft lines
Two stainless steel Marinox 17 propeller shafts of about 100 mm of diameter. Simplan (or equivalent) seal stern tubes and struts will be built in high quality bronze alloy with water cooled bearings
704 Propellers
Two five blades (about 1200 mm diameter) propellers designed by Detra or Rolla in Nibral.
705 Steering system
The hydraulic (or electric) steering system of the vessel operates twin rudders by means of actuators linked to rudder shafts with connector rod. The Autopilot will be connected to the system. In case of failure in the main steering system the vessel will be be steered by a hydraulically operated emergency steering system approved by the classification society.
706 Rudders
The vessel will be outfitted with two semi-compensated airfoil section rudders fitted in proximity of the propellers and in their wake. The rudders will be built in stainless steel (plate and stock). Rudder shafts and connector rod will be in stainless steel.
707 Trim control system
The trim of the vessel will be controlled by means of trim tabs made in stainless steel properly stiffened and hydraulically operated through an electro-hydraulic power pack. As alternative it will be installed an intruder system. The trim tab position gauges will be installed in the wheelhouse console.
708 Bow and Stern thruster
An electric bow thruster will be fitted at the foreword end of the vessel in appropriate position. Maker and model shall be ABT or equivalent, with fiberglass pipe of 16” diameter and CuNiAl 3 blades propellers. A stern thruster will be fitted as well The bow and stern thruster are controlled from the wheelhouse console and from the fly bridge
709 Stabilizers
A Zero Speed Stabilizer plant will be fitted electrically driven. Brand: ABT, CMC or equivalent
801 General
The interior design will be done by the Builder’s Interior Design. If requested by the Owner the interior design may be done by an independent Interior Designer employed and paid by the Owner. In such a case the Interior Designer must work within the limits of the present specification and must supply all the necessary information within the time frame established and notified by the Builder. Any upgrading will be quoted as an extra and any delay in supplying the requested information will be considered a permissible delay and will affect consequently the delivery date of the vessel. The interior and exterior layouts will be according to the contractual General Arrangement. All appliances, TV and stereo equipment, air conditioning and ventilation equipment, light fixtures, alarm and fire detectors, electrical panels, etc. will be integrated in the interior design.
802 Floor covering
Carpet will be fitted in owner’s suite, guests’ cabins, hallways, and stairs as per shipyard sample, while in the saloon and dining room a parquet floor will be fitted. In crew areas carpet as for shipyard sample will be installed. All carpets will have acoustic underlay. All edges of carpet will be bound, where necessary, or fixed under the furniture. Marble floors will be fitted in Owner’s bathroom, guests’ bathrooms, day toilets. Vinyl or rubber floor will be fitted in the galley, pantries, laundry, crew bathrooms. Wheelhouse floor will be in varnished wood. Shower floors will have drip pan with varnished teak grating on top.
803 Skirting board
Wood skirting boards will be fitted wherever there is a carpet, vinyl, or wooden floor. Marble skirting boards will be fitted on marble floors
804 Wall finish
Walls will be finished in wood selected within the range of woods normally used in Italian yachting industry (oak, cherry, Tanganyika, mahogany, or equivalent). Limited area could be upholstered with fabric or leather. Fabric and leather cost limit within shipyard samples. Lacquered panels will be fitted on bathrooms’ and galley walls. Crew area walls will be finished with Formica or lacquered panels.
805 Fixed furniture
Built-in furniture (cupboards, drawers, consoles, night tables, wash basin units, desks, etc,) will be made according to General Arrangement and Builder’s standard. Furniture will be made of wood (timber or marine plywood veneered) selected within the range of woods normally used in Italian yachting industry (oak, cherry, Tanganyika, mahogany, or equivalent). Dedicated storage will be fitted with plexy-glass provisions for glasses, dishes, cutlery, china, etc. Marble will be fitted over the top of wash basin units of all bathrooms and day toilets. The working surface of the galley and will be finished in granite or stainless steel.
806 Loose furniture
Loose chairs, armchairs, tables, stools, sofas, etc will be supplied by the Builder in accordance with the general Arrangement and within the cost limit of the shipyard samples.
807 Interior doors
The interior doors will be made of double plywood panels. All doors will have door stoppers to keep open each door. The doors will have the same finishing of the adjacent walls.
808 Ceilings
Ceiling panels can be lacquered or upholstered in fabric or leather. Limit cost for fabric and leather will be within shipyard samples. Lacquered panels will be fitted in crew areas, galley, bathrooms and day toilets
809 Lighting fixtures
Lighting fixtures will have cost limits within shipyard samples:
• Led spotlights for the interior and the exterior, and reading lamps will be BCM, Metalstyle, Cantalupi or equivalent.
• Switches and sockets will be B-Ticino, Vimar Living series.
Strip led light will be fitted in windows wells and under beds. All wardrobes will have a courtesy light fixture inside with automatic switches. The position of each light fixture, switch and socket will be indicated on a specific drawing.
810 Curtains and blinds
All windows and portholes, except wheelhouse windows, will have curtains. The curtains will be in fabric eventually lined to have a blind effect. Electric curtains will be installed in the main saloon and Owner’s cabin.
811 Sanitary ware and taps
Taps and bathroom’s accessories will be chosen among Ideal Standard, Grohe, Jado or equivalent. Sanitary fittings will be Pozzi Ginori, Ideal Standard, Cesame, Tecma, Jets or equivalent. The following accessories will be supplied:
• soap holder
• glass holder
• towel rail
• toilet brush
• toilet paper holder
• towel ring
• robe hooks
• toilet garbage bin sanitary
cost limit will be within shipyard samples
812 Hardware
All hardware will be of marine quality. All cupboard/storage/wardrobe/cabinet doors will be provided with adequate means of closing devices. Drawers will have stoppers.
The following hardware will be fitted where appropriate:
• Furniture knobs
• Anti-roll rods
• Handrails
• Door handles
• Door stoppers
Hardware maker will be selected according to Builder’s standard (Jado or equivalent).
813 Mattresses, pillows, bed covers
The mattresses will be spring type and custom made. All mattresses will have some clearance in the bed frames. Pillows and bed covers will be supplied for each bed. Bed linens and blankets are excluded.
814 Domestic appliances
The following equipment will be fitted:
• N°2 Maytag refrigerator/freezer or equivalent
• Miele cook top 5 induction burners
• Miele overhead hood
• Miele electric oven
• Miele microwave oven
• Miele dishwasher
• Miele washer & drier
• N°1 Scotsman ice maker for main salon
• N°1 refrigerator for main saloon
• N°1 refrigerator for aft deck
815 Miscellaneous
The following items will be supplied and fitted on board:
• one safe in the Owner’s cabin and one safe in Captain’s cabin
• Sun bathing mattresses and cushions for exterior sofas upholstered in Sunbrella or equivalent fabric with exterior grade
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